Kielen noston harjoittelutikku 10 kpl / LinguaSTIK™
Tuotenumero: | 4000-10 |
Veroton hinta: | 20,72 € |
Hinta (verollinen): | 26,00 € |
Saatavuus: | Pyynnöstä |
Linguastik on puheterapeutin työssä kielennostoa helpottava lasta, kun alahuulen sisäpuolen keskijännettä (frelunum of lower lip) on leikattu ja lihaksistoa pitää kuntouttaa
LINGUASTIK is a speech therapy spatula for exercises in lifting the tongue after cutting the frenulum. A special cut for the sublingual frenulum allows a pulling movement towards the palate. While such lifting is difficult to perform with an ordinary spatula, LINGUASTIK makes the work of a speech therapist much easier, and the spatula itself becomes a replacement for the famous "groove director".
Perfect for the diagnosis of ankyloglossia - attached tongues and short frenulum (TOT). Recommended by Lori Overland of Talk Tools.