Kuinka osallistua - tekniset vaatimukset
Ei tuotteita tässä luokassa
Luethan nämä ohjeet ennen kuin varaat online kursseja tai webinaareja
2. Virhekoodi "This Site Can’t Be Reached" Yleisimmät syyt ovat Domain Name System (DNS) -resoluutiovirheet tai Liitännät, jotka aikakatkaisivat yhteyden, tai Internet-yhteytesi yleinen vika tai Väärin määritetyt Internet-, verkko- tai palomuuriasetukset. Vaikka Chrome ehdottaakin muutamia korjauksia jokaisessa virhenäytössä, voit tehdä tämän ongelman vianmäärityksen monilla muilla tavoilla, mm. näin Troubleshooting and Fixes
Tietokoneen tekniset vaatimukset
Tuetut käyttöjärjestelmät HUOM. puhelin yhteyksiä ei suositella
- iOS 8.0 or later
- Windows 10 or later
- iPhone 4 or later, iPad Pro, iPad Mini, iPad 2 or later, iPod touch 4th Generation, iPhone 3GS (no front facing camera)
- iPadOS 13 or later
- Android 5.0x or later
- digital (on-demand, e-learning) content require a lot of bandwidth! Online koulutus vaatii kaistanleveyttä - voit tarkistaa omasi alla olevasta linkistä
- Check your connection at: https://www.speedtest.net/
- minimum speeds:
- minimum upload speed: 8Mbps/1MB
- ping: 50ms or lower
(Internet provider Optimum is not supported)
Selainmuistin tyhjennys
- On your computer, open Google Chrome or Firefox browsers/ Avaa käyttämäsi selain
- At the top right, click More /Klikkaa yläoikealta kolme pistettä alekkain, etsi kohta Poista selaustiedot ja toimi ohjeiden mukaan
How to Access Your Digital Course
BEFORE YOU START YOUR COURSE, go to Tech Requirements for Accessing Your Course to make sure you've met our tech requirements!
After purchasing your course seat, you will receive an email with details on how to access your course on the TalkTools Training site.
NOTE: our digital courses are accessed via a SEPARATE site (education.talktools.com) from the TalkTools e-commerce site (www.talktools.com). Learners will have 2 accounts:
- www.talktools.com
- education.talktools.com
Digital Courses include:
- Digital Presentation (your course seat includes access to both LIVE and RECORDED broadcasts)
- Handout
- Course Quiz
- Exit Survey
- CEUs (# of CEUs vary, depending on length of course)
- Certificate of Completion
Webinars are presented in a virtual live format and are recorded. Recorded presentations are available for 30 days after the virtual live date.
- ACCESS your course (a reminder email will be sent prior to date/time of the live broadcast) by clicking on "Access Your Courses" portal on the TalkTools Training Site homepage
- VIEW LIVE presentation on the scheduled date/time
- COMPLETE course quiz and Exit CEU Survey
- DOWNLOAD Certificate of Completion
- VIEW RECORDED PRESENTATION within 30 days of the LIVE BROADCAST DATE posted on the Training Schedule page
- COMPLETE Course Quiz and Exit CEU Survey*
- DOWNLOAD Certificate of Completion
DEADLINE: Learners must complete their course and submit Exit CEU Survey within 30 days of the LIVE BROADCAST DATE to receive ASHA CEUs
- ACCESS your course by clicking on "Access Your Courses" portal on the TalkTools Training Site homepage
- VIEW presentation
- COMPLETE course quiz and Exit CEU Survey
- DOWNLOAD Certificate of Completion
DEADLINE: Learners must complete their e-learning courses within 1 year of purchase date
Watch this video or follow steps below to access your digital courses
- After your tech check, go to "Access Your Courses" portal on the TalkTools Training Site homepage
- Username is the email used to purchase your eLearning seat
- Click on reset password button to create your password
- Enter your email again and click reset password button. An email will be sent to your Inbox
- Open email from continuingeducation@talktools.com and click on link to reset password.