Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs (book)
![Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs (book)](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000319-ddb7dde52e/2598 Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs (book).jpg)
Robyn Merkel-Walshin / Lori Overland Description Authors, Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Lori...
Hinta: 88,00 €
![KURSSITARVIKKEET OPT 2 FEEDING THERAPY: A SENSORY MOTOR APPROACH](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000761-70fec70ff0/TalkToolsMarch2022-Kids-191_1024x1024 (1).jpg)
Kurssilla tarvitaan seuraavat pakolliset välineet (huom! elintarvikkeiden toimituskyky vaihtelee -...
Hinta: 20,00 €
Kurssitarvikkeet Functional Assessment of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT's)
![Kurssitarvikkeet Functional Assessment of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT's)](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000850-5cd715cd72/Functional Assessment (TOTs).jpg)
Practicum SKU: 3806 In-Person (1) 5 Step TOTs Screening Tool...
Hinta: 15,00 €
Kurssitarvikkeet Functional Remediation of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT's)
![Kurssitarvikkeet Functional Remediation of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT's)](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000851-2e1a72e1a9/Functional Remediation (TOTs) (2).jpg)
Practicum SKU: 3804 In-Person (1) 5 Step TOTs Screening Tool Phamplet/Brochure (2) Gloves...
Hinta: 18,00 €
Myo + Speech Therapy: Bridging the Gap for Holistic Treatment - Self Study
![Myo + Speech Therapy: Bridging the Gap for Holistic Treatment - Self Study](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000944-40fdc40fe0/Myo_Speech_2_1080x.jpg)
Itseopiskelu kurssi. Jos ostat kurssin 5 opiskelijalle, hinta yht. 247,00€. Huom....
Hinta: 68,95 €
OMDs: Techniques to Assess and Correct Disordered Oral Rest Postures Self Study
![OMDs: Techniques to Assess and Correct Disordered Oral Rest Postures Self Study](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000945-4e9704e972/New_Course_Images_39_1080x.jpg)
Jos ostat kurssin 5 opiskelijalle, hinta yht: 194,00€ sis alv. Hintoja päivitetään USD...
Hinta: 53,95 €
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Myofunctional Therapy -Self Study
![The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Myofunctional Therapy -Self Study](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000946-824c1824c2/New_Course_Images_46_1080x.jpg)
Jos ostat kurssin 5 opiskelijalle, hinta yht: 194,00€ sis alv. Hintoja päivitetään USD...
Hinta: 53,95 €
TalkTools®️ OPT 1 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT™ ONLINE 12h Self Study - aloituskurssi
![TalkTools®️ OPT 1 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT™ ONLINE 12h Self Study - aloituskurssi](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000743-9f3419f344/3 Part Treatment Plan.jpg)
OPT (Oral Placement Therapy) koulutusohjelman aloituskurssi - kysy kurssille suositeltuja välineitä...
Hinta: 225,95 €
TalkTools®️: OPT 1 Assessment and and Program Plan Development Self Study
![TalkTools®️: OPT 1 Assessment and and Program Plan Development Self Study](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000744-d2dabd2dad/Assessment and Program Plan.jpg)
LEVELS TRAINING PROGRAM: LEVEL 1 COURSE REQUIREMENT Tilaa kurssi 5:lle opiskelijalle - saat 14%...
Hinta: 225,95 €
TalkTools® OPT 2 A Sensory Motor Approach to Modified Baby Led Weaning
![TalkTools® OPT 2 A Sensory Motor Approach to Modified Baby Led Weaning](https://4f3a140e28.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/acbb671391049aaf527d07c89d475dd7/system_preview_small_200000723-af109af10c/A Sensory Motor Approach to Modified Baby Led Weaning (1).jpg)
Kurssille suositeltu tuote...
Hinta: 110,95 €