Klikkaa tuotetta ja näet onko sitä varastossa - jos ei ole, voit jättää tuotteesta ennakkotilauksen - saat 10% alennusta ja laskutus toimituksen yhteydessä (myös OVT-verkkolaskutus onnistuu) - katso tilaus- ja toimitus ajat tästä
ARK Therapeutic
Nenä huilu / Nose Flutes 3pcs
The Nose Flute is one of the best tools on the market to facilitate nasal airflow, an integral component of velo-pharyngeal control and speech clarity development. Manufacturer's instructions included (comes in packs of 3) talktools.com/
Hinta: 14,55 €
Want to learn more about feeding therapy? Check out this great webinar with Speech Language Pathologist and Myofunctional Therapist Angeliki Xygka. Angeliki discusses four targets that are the foundation of successful feeding, preparing the mouth to eat and swallow later on: oral desensitization, lip closure and jaw stability, tongue lateralization, and tongue elevation. Watch to learn sensory tips and oral motor exercises that you can try today. Disclosure: Angeliki is an ARK ambassador and consultant and was paid for her time to present this webinar. All ideas and opinions expressed are her own. Thank you, Angeliki, for sharing your experience!